prayers of joy and celebration

God our Father, . Just as a marathon runner must train diligently over time, we must be all-in for this journey with Jesus in order to catch a glimpse of the wisdom that the pages of His Word contain. Help me to find happiness in every moment as I go through each day. Celebration of Mahashivratri. Are you looking for powerful prayers that can help you uplift your spirit and increase your happiness? O Lord, You have brought up my soul from Sheol;You restored me to life from among those who go down to the pit.Sing praises to the Lord, O you His saints,and give thanks to His holy name. I love You with a heart bursting with joy. You are welcome to donate a $15 spring plant in memory of a relative or friend or in thanksgiving for I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Joy in itself is a blessing that we get to experience, and one that we can ask God to expand in us through prayer. Right now, I lift up my brothers and sisters in Christ who are going through difficult times or feeling alone or discouraged. Amen. One verse a day. Use these prayers for joy to experience more of Gods hope, peace, and strength in the middle of whatever struggle you are facing. 11. Easter Prayers - Xavier University For Children, schools & families ::: St. Nicholas Center A Prayer for Juneteenth - Campus Ministry | Augsburg University Have a fantastic birthday celebration. And in that spirit, I share with you these four psalms. 1. Prayer is one of the most powerful forces in the world. Lord, as we enter the Christmas season, we want to take time to thank You for sending Your Son to be born as a baby and to become our Saviour, so that He can bring peace into the hearts of those that believe, and joy to those that find their hope in Him. Your success this month shall attract celebrations. A Prayer for Cares and Concerns By Chrystal Evans Hurst "Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (ESV) Our key Scripture says in 1 Peter 5:7 we ought to cast our. (Psalm 100). . Thank you for giving us the promise of eternity and everlasting life. 12 Inspiring Thanksgiving Quotes from Catholic Saints - The Writings of "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.". Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, thank You for the joy and peace that I have in trusting You. On this day, devotees visit Shiva temples, perform puja (prayer rituals), and offer prayers, flowers, and fruits to Lord Shiva. In the darkness I'll dance. Our lives have complications and pain, our world has war and despair. Copyright 2023 | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. In Jesus' name,Amen. your Spirit was breathed into us. Hear my prayer, O Jesus. Even when I am beset by troubles and despair, guide me toward your light and be my refuge. I pray that I may learn to fully abide in You and You in me so that Your joy may be in me. Lets get started praying the Scriptures for joy. Each day its like the heat is being turned up and all I hope in and trust in is being tested. Father, in a world where there are so many difficult situations, troubled times and hurting hearts, we lift up those that are going through grievous times and entrust them into Your care. We pray that Your joy and peace would rest upon us, and that we would be filled to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit, during this time together. Lead me away from dishonesty and deceit toward eternal truth. Even when I am beset by troubles and despair, guide me toward your light and be my refuge. 7. The uniqueness in all of us and the diversity in the daily horizon. For when I am weak, then I am strong.. But thank You also Lord, that we have such a wonderfully faithful friend in Jesus, who is our never-failing companion, and Who has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. 25 Christmas Prayers for 2022 - Blessings for Family and Friends for Your greater honour and glory. Amen., Holy Lord, I want so bad to be happy. Let us do all of that, especially for those in danger in Ukraine . This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a small commission from purchased products at no additional cost to you. Keep us all with our hearts fixed on You and instil in our hearts a joyful disposition so that we may bring comfort and cheer to those around us, and be salt and light to those that are facing troubles or difficulties. Keep me abiding in Your love day by day so that Your joy in my life may be full, for in You is the fullness of joy, for which I praise and thank You.May I also abide in Your Word, for to know Your Word is to know You. I have so many things to be thankful for, yet I am missing joy. Please draw myheart ever closer to Yours, that You would be the first One I run towhen my cup runs over with good news and celebration. No membership required. And that makes us strong. Loving Father, words cannot express the joy of knowing You and abiding in You, for You are life and my light, and You are the joy of My salvation. There are prayers for facing a new day, realizing one's potential at work, celebrating an anniversary or birthday, and going to sleep at night. Enable them to have peace, and to know the hope Your life, death, and resurrection bring. Whether at my local church or right here online, I'm committed to helping people build a real-life faith through relationship with God, especially in the areas of prayer and Bible study. For Peace 5. Trials and tribulations beset me, and I do not know where to turn. Come with the light of the Gospel into the dark corners of our world to give hope to the hopeless, new life to all. I know that circumstances are ever changing. Please help me show my thankfulness and gratitude to You. Prayer Points On Celebration - A Prayer Of Thanksgiving To God Amen. Most people in life long to be happy, but God offers something that far outlasts happiness. You alone, my Lord, are where I find peace. Eternity is too short to praise and magnify Your glorious name for all Your goodness and love towards me, and to all who are called by Your name, for in You is the fullness of joy. Joy makes us strong." ~Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline Spiritual Discipline of Gratitude Gratitude is being aware and giving thanks to God for all his blessings upon your life. AMEN. . 7 Holy Week Prayers to Focus Your Heart on the Passion of A Prayer for the One with Big Feelings - Your Daily Prayer - March 3, A Prayer to Step Out of Atrophy - Your Daily Prayer - March 2, A Prayer to Walk in Obedience - Your Daily Prayer - March 1, A Prayer for the Grieving - Your Daily Prayer - February 28, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Through every generation, you have been the rock of our lives, the shield of our salvation. Traditional Irish Blessing May God give you: For every storm, a rainbow, 19 Powerful Prayer Points For Victory and Success In Jesus' precious name, we pray. It feels countercultural to feel joy when life is tough, but thats exactly what You call us to. Prayers for Joy - Knowing Jesus May the joy of our nation's celebration renew them in heart and mind. Let peace envelop my thoughts and encompass my body. 9. Yet, through Your bloodshed on the cross, I know You have won my salvation. A Prayer for Joy and Strength Father, Praise You for these lessons on strength and joy, and for Paul's faithful life witness left behind for us to learn from. Though life feels void of joy and hope at times, I know that I can trust You. Prayer for Joy and Laughter Light in the Darkness, thank You for loving me. All we need to be forgiven is to proclaim Him as Savior, but to retain joy in this life, we need Him all the time. What a joy it is to meet and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Wow Jennifer! As I read through these psalms in preparation for this post, it occurred to me that they would be great words to hide in my heart, so that when I want to celebrate with my Savior, the words areright there waiting for me. Daily renew in us the sense of joy, and let the eternal spirit of the Father dwell in our souls and bodies, filling every corner of our hearts with light and grace; so that, bearing about with us the infection of good courage, we may be diffusers of life, and may meet all ills and cross accidents with gallant and high-hearted happiness, giving thee thanks always for all things., Source: Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 1894), Dear God, how I long for the joy of Your Spirit. Let your love fill us. In addition, the Church teaches that: [w]hen the Church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each year, she makes present this ancient expectancy of the Messiah, for by sharing in . Amen. Bless me with contentment, so I may know what it feels like to love this life entirely. Trading My Sorrows by Darrell Evans (This one was a direct answer to a prayer and how I began speaking at/holding retreats. ~ Rebecca Barlow Jordan Celebrate the birth of Christ with a FREE 25 Days to a Joyful. Tradition Of Decorating Dyeing Eggshell. Purify my heart and mind so that I may be at one with you. As2 Timothy 3:16 states, All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.. Prayer for Peace of Mind and Spirit "O Father in heaven, I ask that you gladden and refresh my spirit. Lead us in joy and celebration of the only reality worth knowing, that you love us as we are. I have faith that everything that happens is a part of your plan. Thank You for Jesus, and the joy and peace that floods the hearts of all who have believed in Him, the rock of their Salvation. Mahashivratri is celebrated with great fervor and devotion throughout India and in Hindu communities around the world. The Catholic Church has designated the four weeks preceding Christmas as Advent, a time to prepare the way of the Lord for His coming as our King and Savior. Through tender love poems, righteous prayers, and vital provocations, we see the colonizers we carry within ourselves being laid to rest. Instil in our hearts the hope of our salvation, and surround each one of us with Your love and joy. Break my heart for what breaks Yours. Make my lips smile longer as I think of moving to an amazing sunlit place. Most Holy God, We are a people who need you in your fullness. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. We also havea podcast! Joy produces energy. Advent Devotional Guide: Preparing for the Coming of Christ Help me to find happiness in small things. I am that burning and shining Light! From war, give me peace. Philippians 4:4 God When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. Prayer for Joy and Hope O Lord, my King, bless my thoughts with hope for my future as I tread through the harsh happenings of this world. Not in a one-time miraculous way, but with the continued presence of the Holy Spirit, and through Pauls relationship with Him. Please bring Your light into my soul and bless me with laughter. Thank You for the joy of the Lord, which is my strength and stay. Happy 96th Birthday Prayers for 96 Year Birthday Celebration (2023) He should be the first One I run to in celebration. I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I hope all is well with you and family. Romans 12:12 prayer patience Rejoice in the Lord always. Celebrate always,the VOICE paraphrases, andRejoice always, the New International Version states. "We Let You Go" by Ruth Burgess Burgess is the author of a book called Candles and Conifers. Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Let your joy overwhelm us. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Prayer for Joy and Gratitude Precious Holy Spirit, Youve blessed me with so much, and I love You like no other. Purify my heart and mind so that I may be at one with you. Prayer for Joy in My Life Loving God, thank You for the blessings You've bestowed upon me. May the Lord bless us and keep us as we draw closer to Jesus. Happiness abounds in my life and my heart, but I long for joy. And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through.. Amen. Vector Graphic, Artistic, Stylized Image Of Dove . Ever blessing the Lord, we sing His Resurrection, for having endured the Cross for us, He has destroyed death by death.". Click the button below! Keep me looking to Jesus and away from the enticements of this world, and may Your joy and peace flood my inner being, knowing that the joy of the Lord is my health and strength. Happy birthday, my sweet grandma. My prayer is that You would help me to pursue You more, and experience Your joy more often. As we enter this Juneteenth holiday celebration let us remember all of our ancestors . Sunrise to sunset is simply going through the motions. I pray that my serving will be done in love, and be a great encouragement to those around me. "Prayer is an aspiration of the heart. Call to Worship Lighting the Advent Wreath: Joy. Hear, O Lord, and be merciful to me!O Lord, be my Helper!You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;You have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness,that my glory may sing Your praise and not be silent.O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever. In Your dear Sons name, Amen., There are times, O Lord when I feel a deep sense of unrest. A Prayer for Joy When You're Stressed Out Jesus, I'm overwhelmed by stress right now. Some days, I dont see the point of it all. I will extol You, O Lord, for You have drawn me upand have not let my foes rejoice over me.O Lord my God, I cried to You for help,and You have healed me. Show more Show more It was a starry night Loaf 169K views 6 years ago Come and Join the. Have a blessed time this month as we celebrate our Saviors birth! He teaches me to be my best By helping sailors in distress. Increase our love for one another and for You. Thank you for giving us the gift of your beautiful world and all the skies, mountains, and lakes. (Psalm 71:19-24). The beauty of nature and marvel of the changing seasons. You can find out more by clicking the link below! This is my wish, my hope, and my prayer: May we never take for granted our time here on earth, and this time that we have together. This podcast is different than the written devotional you just read, but carries the same commitment to a closer look at Scripture each day. But I pray that You would grow me in humility, meekness, and grant me a contrite heart. When others see you experiencing joy despite the troubles you are facing, they begin to wonder what your source of joy is. One day, our memories of them will be less bitter and more sweet. Prayers For Joy - The Wonderful Joy Of The Lord! - ChristiansTT Gyrocopter For Sale Craigslist, Articles P

God our Father, . Just as a marathon runner must train diligently over time, we must be all-in for this journey with Jesus in order to catch a glimpse of the wisdom that the pages of His Word contain. Help me to find happiness in every moment as I go through each day. Celebration of Mahashivratri. Are you looking for powerful prayers that can help you uplift your spirit and increase your happiness? O Lord, You have brought up my soul from Sheol;You restored me to life from among those who go down to the pit.Sing praises to the Lord, O you His saints,and give thanks to His holy name. I love You with a heart bursting with joy. You are welcome to donate a $15 spring plant in memory of a relative or friend or in thanksgiving for I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Joy in itself is a blessing that we get to experience, and one that we can ask God to expand in us through prayer. Right now, I lift up my brothers and sisters in Christ who are going through difficult times or feeling alone or discouraged. Amen. One verse a day. Use these prayers for joy to experience more of Gods hope, peace, and strength in the middle of whatever struggle you are facing. 11. Easter Prayers - Xavier University For Children, schools & families ::: St. Nicholas Center A Prayer for Juneteenth - Campus Ministry | Augsburg University Have a fantastic birthday celebration. And in that spirit, I share with you these four psalms. 1. Prayer is one of the most powerful forces in the world. Lord, as we enter the Christmas season, we want to take time to thank You for sending Your Son to be born as a baby and to become our Saviour, so that He can bring peace into the hearts of those that believe, and joy to those that find their hope in Him. Your success this month shall attract celebrations. A Prayer for Cares and Concerns By Chrystal Evans Hurst "Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (ESV) Our key Scripture says in 1 Peter 5:7 we ought to cast our. (Psalm 100). . Thank you for giving us the promise of eternity and everlasting life. 12 Inspiring Thanksgiving Quotes from Catholic Saints - The Writings of "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.". Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, thank You for the joy and peace that I have in trusting You. On this day, devotees visit Shiva temples, perform puja (prayer rituals), and offer prayers, flowers, and fruits to Lord Shiva. In the darkness I'll dance. Our lives have complications and pain, our world has war and despair. Copyright 2023 | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. In Jesus' name,Amen. your Spirit was breathed into us. Hear my prayer, O Jesus. Even when I am beset by troubles and despair, guide me toward your light and be my refuge. I pray that I may learn to fully abide in You and You in me so that Your joy may be in me. Lets get started praying the Scriptures for joy. Each day its like the heat is being turned up and all I hope in and trust in is being tested. Father, in a world where there are so many difficult situations, troubled times and hurting hearts, we lift up those that are going through grievous times and entrust them into Your care. We pray that Your joy and peace would rest upon us, and that we would be filled to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit, during this time together. Lead me away from dishonesty and deceit toward eternal truth. Even when I am beset by troubles and despair, guide me toward your light and be my refuge. 7. The uniqueness in all of us and the diversity in the daily horizon. For when I am weak, then I am strong.. But thank You also Lord, that we have such a wonderfully faithful friend in Jesus, who is our never-failing companion, and Who has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. 25 Christmas Prayers for 2022 - Blessings for Family and Friends for Your greater honour and glory. Amen., Holy Lord, I want so bad to be happy. Let us do all of that, especially for those in danger in Ukraine . This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a small commission from purchased products at no additional cost to you. Keep us all with our hearts fixed on You and instil in our hearts a joyful disposition so that we may bring comfort and cheer to those around us, and be salt and light to those that are facing troubles or difficulties. Keep me abiding in Your love day by day so that Your joy in my life may be full, for in You is the fullness of joy, for which I praise and thank You.May I also abide in Your Word, for to know Your Word is to know You. I have so many things to be thankful for, yet I am missing joy. Please draw myheart ever closer to Yours, that You would be the first One I run towhen my cup runs over with good news and celebration. No membership required. And that makes us strong. Loving Father, words cannot express the joy of knowing You and abiding in You, for You are life and my light, and You are the joy of My salvation. There are prayers for facing a new day, realizing one's potential at work, celebrating an anniversary or birthday, and going to sleep at night. Enable them to have peace, and to know the hope Your life, death, and resurrection bring. Whether at my local church or right here online, I'm committed to helping people build a real-life faith through relationship with God, especially in the areas of prayer and Bible study. For Peace 5. Trials and tribulations beset me, and I do not know where to turn. Come with the light of the Gospel into the dark corners of our world to give hope to the hopeless, new life to all. I know that circumstances are ever changing. Please help me show my thankfulness and gratitude to You. Prayer Points On Celebration - A Prayer Of Thanksgiving To God Amen. Most people in life long to be happy, but God offers something that far outlasts happiness. You alone, my Lord, are where I find peace. Eternity is too short to praise and magnify Your glorious name for all Your goodness and love towards me, and to all who are called by Your name, for in You is the fullness of joy. Joy makes us strong." ~Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline Spiritual Discipline of Gratitude Gratitude is being aware and giving thanks to God for all his blessings upon your life. AMEN. . 7 Holy Week Prayers to Focus Your Heart on the Passion of A Prayer for the One with Big Feelings - Your Daily Prayer - March 3, A Prayer to Step Out of Atrophy - Your Daily Prayer - March 2, A Prayer to Walk in Obedience - Your Daily Prayer - March 1, A Prayer for the Grieving - Your Daily Prayer - February 28, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Through every generation, you have been the rock of our lives, the shield of our salvation. Traditional Irish Blessing May God give you: For every storm, a rainbow, 19 Powerful Prayer Points For Victory and Success In Jesus' precious name, we pray. It feels countercultural to feel joy when life is tough, but thats exactly what You call us to. Prayers for Joy - Knowing Jesus May the joy of our nation's celebration renew them in heart and mind. Let peace envelop my thoughts and encompass my body. 9. Yet, through Your bloodshed on the cross, I know You have won my salvation. A Prayer for Joy and Strength Father, Praise You for these lessons on strength and joy, and for Paul's faithful life witness left behind for us to learn from. Though life feels void of joy and hope at times, I know that I can trust You. Prayer for Joy and Laughter Light in the Darkness, thank You for loving me. All we need to be forgiven is to proclaim Him as Savior, but to retain joy in this life, we need Him all the time. What a joy it is to meet and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Wow Jennifer! As I read through these psalms in preparation for this post, it occurred to me that they would be great words to hide in my heart, so that when I want to celebrate with my Savior, the words areright there waiting for me. Daily renew in us the sense of joy, and let the eternal spirit of the Father dwell in our souls and bodies, filling every corner of our hearts with light and grace; so that, bearing about with us the infection of good courage, we may be diffusers of life, and may meet all ills and cross accidents with gallant and high-hearted happiness, giving thee thanks always for all things., Source: Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 1894), Dear God, how I long for the joy of Your Spirit. Let your love fill us. In addition, the Church teaches that: [w]hen the Church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each year, she makes present this ancient expectancy of the Messiah, for by sharing in . Amen. Bless me with contentment, so I may know what it feels like to love this life entirely. Trading My Sorrows by Darrell Evans (This one was a direct answer to a prayer and how I began speaking at/holding retreats. ~ Rebecca Barlow Jordan Celebrate the birth of Christ with a FREE 25 Days to a Joyful. Tradition Of Decorating Dyeing Eggshell. Purify my heart and mind so that I may be at one with you. As2 Timothy 3:16 states, All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.. Prayer for Peace of Mind and Spirit "O Father in heaven, I ask that you gladden and refresh my spirit. Lead us in joy and celebration of the only reality worth knowing, that you love us as we are. I have faith that everything that happens is a part of your plan. Thank You for Jesus, and the joy and peace that floods the hearts of all who have believed in Him, the rock of their Salvation. Mahashivratri is celebrated with great fervor and devotion throughout India and in Hindu communities around the world. The Catholic Church has designated the four weeks preceding Christmas as Advent, a time to prepare the way of the Lord for His coming as our King and Savior. Through tender love poems, righteous prayers, and vital provocations, we see the colonizers we carry within ourselves being laid to rest. Instil in our hearts the hope of our salvation, and surround each one of us with Your love and joy. Break my heart for what breaks Yours. Make my lips smile longer as I think of moving to an amazing sunlit place. Most Holy God, We are a people who need you in your fullness. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. We also havea podcast! Joy produces energy. Advent Devotional Guide: Preparing for the Coming of Christ Help me to find happiness in small things. I am that burning and shining Light! From war, give me peace. Philippians 4:4 God When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. Prayer for Joy and Hope O Lord, my King, bless my thoughts with hope for my future as I tread through the harsh happenings of this world. Not in a one-time miraculous way, but with the continued presence of the Holy Spirit, and through Pauls relationship with Him. Please bring Your light into my soul and bless me with laughter. Thank You for the joy of the Lord, which is my strength and stay. Happy 96th Birthday Prayers for 96 Year Birthday Celebration (2023) He should be the first One I run to in celebration. I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I hope all is well with you and family. Romans 12:12 prayer patience Rejoice in the Lord always. Celebrate always,the VOICE paraphrases, andRejoice always, the New International Version states. "We Let You Go" by Ruth Burgess Burgess is the author of a book called Candles and Conifers. Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Let your joy overwhelm us. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Prayer for Joy and Gratitude Precious Holy Spirit, Youve blessed me with so much, and I love You like no other. Purify my heart and mind so that I may be at one with you. Prayer for Joy in My Life Loving God, thank You for the blessings You've bestowed upon me. May the Lord bless us and keep us as we draw closer to Jesus. Happiness abounds in my life and my heart, but I long for joy. And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through.. Amen. Vector Graphic, Artistic, Stylized Image Of Dove . Ever blessing the Lord, we sing His Resurrection, for having endured the Cross for us, He has destroyed death by death.". Click the button below! Keep me looking to Jesus and away from the enticements of this world, and may Your joy and peace flood my inner being, knowing that the joy of the Lord is my health and strength. Happy birthday, my sweet grandma. My prayer is that You would help me to pursue You more, and experience Your joy more often. As we enter this Juneteenth holiday celebration let us remember all of our ancestors . Sunrise to sunset is simply going through the motions. I pray that my serving will be done in love, and be a great encouragement to those around me. "Prayer is an aspiration of the heart. Call to Worship Lighting the Advent Wreath: Joy. Hear, O Lord, and be merciful to me!O Lord, be my Helper!You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;You have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness,that my glory may sing Your praise and not be silent.O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever. In Your dear Sons name, Amen., There are times, O Lord when I feel a deep sense of unrest. A Prayer for Joy When You're Stressed Out Jesus, I'm overwhelmed by stress right now. Some days, I dont see the point of it all. I will extol You, O Lord, for You have drawn me upand have not let my foes rejoice over me.O Lord my God, I cried to You for help,and You have healed me. Show more Show more It was a starry night Loaf 169K views 6 years ago Come and Join the. Have a blessed time this month as we celebrate our Saviors birth! He teaches me to be my best By helping sailors in distress. Increase our love for one another and for You. Thank you for giving us the gift of your beautiful world and all the skies, mountains, and lakes. (Psalm 71:19-24). The beauty of nature and marvel of the changing seasons. You can find out more by clicking the link below! This is my wish, my hope, and my prayer: May we never take for granted our time here on earth, and this time that we have together. This podcast is different than the written devotional you just read, but carries the same commitment to a closer look at Scripture each day. But I pray that You would grow me in humility, meekness, and grant me a contrite heart. When others see you experiencing joy despite the troubles you are facing, they begin to wonder what your source of joy is. One day, our memories of them will be less bitter and more sweet. Prayers For Joy - The Wonderful Joy Of The Lord! - ChristiansTT

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prayers of joy and celebration